Wednesday, March 3, 2010

~Scrappin' w/Amber~

Jill and I try to make it to Scrapmania once a month. For the month of April she could not go and Amber was really wanting to go. We signed up for April 9th's mania. We had a wonderful time talking and sharing memories of precious John and the other precious John. Amber worked on her Wedding Album and I worked on my 2010 album. They were gracious enough to let Amber bring the baby. Everyone was all over him. Not surprising. Below is a pic of us both looking so tired but there were are... lol.

~Me with Amber and our blessing, Baby John~ I get the Kraft Magazine (thanks to my mom) and on the cover were angel-food cupcakes topped with cool whip and pineapple mix with a strawberry on top. I made them and took them to Archivers to share. In return they offered me any $4.99 product I wanted. I got yellow varsity letters that I had been eyeballing all night but was going to buy $1.99 yellow letters. So glad I ended up with the varsity! They look great on the page.

~The Cup Cakes~

~Here are some of the pages I worked on~

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