Thursday, January 28, 2010

~"Monday, Monday, so good to me!~

"Monday, Monday, so good to me
Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be"

Today was a good day. After Tommy and I got up we worked on some New Age Foto stuff TOGETHER! Usually we are in separate offices all day, unless we are shooting. Today it was sitting down at the same computer. It was nice. After some work we went to Amber's house. We took over the "truck load" of baby stuff that I got on Saturday. Wow! She was so very excited. We beat her to house and when she pulled in the drive we had already unloaded almost half of it. Amber pulled up her sunglasses and said, "Holy Crap!" I said back, "Wait till you see the living room!" A barely used (I mean BARELY used) "Pack 'n' Play (w/bassinet and changing table add ons, Swing, Bouncy Seat, Car Seat, Bath Seat, tons of 0-6 month toys and SO MUCH MORE! Everything we received was in such great condition. Wow! Once we got everything in... Tommy started assembling. And hour later we had it all set up and ready to go for whenever baby comes.

Amber is Due on the 10th of Feb (not too long from now). Although she was contractions 10 mins apart from each other as soon as she stopped being so active the contractions stopped. She thinks it will still be a week or so before baby comes. We did have such a nice time visiting with her. I also got to feel my FIRST prego belly. For me is was so special knowing that it was Amber's belly. Can you believe that with ALL THE KIDS I baby sat for, and prego ladies I have known, that this was my first belly touch? Amber was having a contraction and said, "Feel it!" I was so excited to!!! I have read so many times that women generally hate when people touch their bellies, so I've never asked!

After Amber's we ran some errands; Bank, my Mom's and Meijer! When we went to Meijer Tommy said I could run over to the other side of the store and get some scrapping stuff! :) My butt was on the other side of the store so fast!!!! Wanna see what I got? I don't care if you said "Yes" or "No", I'm showing ya! :)

After we got home we had dinner and got some more house stuff done. I also played with the dog for a while. Who, by the way, is not good at... "Drop It"! Oh my gosh, I almost forgot!!! Before Tommy and I started work (at 8am) I made a new recipe! Of course I saw it on Rachel Ray. It's called Stuffed Shell Casserole. For those of us who don't have time to "stuff shells" you can put all the ingredients together in a "hot tub" (as she calls it) and let'em bake! Check it out. Click on the S.S.C. link above! I gave one to Amber, one for us to keep and one for my mom so she didn't have to cook this week.

~Chicken and 500 Days~

I was really tired by the time I got home on Saturday. I think some things finally hit me, again. I tried to nap and could not but I also could not function really well either, being awake. Tommy asked if I had plans to make dinner. Of course I did but he said he would cook and I said, "Yes!" so fast that he was like, "Yeah you're tired if you have a new recipe, already went shopping for it and don't feel like making it!" He made us Kung Pao Chicken! One of his favorite things to make us. Once again, so good! He also made a new kind of Miso Soup. It had seaweed wrap in it along with toasted tofu and some chicken broth. We watched 500 Days of Summer while we ate. Such a great movie! A nice Saturday night!

Amber had a "Sleep over" with the kids and her friend Amy and Amy's kids too. She had fun. I think it was a great idea on Amy's part! When Tommy and I woke up on Sunday we started on the house. It's 4:30 now and we're almost done for the day. It had been neglected for a while due to all that has been going on. While cleaning we had THREE SURPRISE drop offs, baskets for the benefit, baby items and a present to deliver to Amber. We are going over tomorrow at noon to drop off the truck full of times we have. Including what came today, we are going to have to take separate cars!

~More Random Fun~

Hello New Shoes! I am so excited about these shoes. They are Steve Madden. Our Easton Location is going out of business. Sad but sooooo good. They were $109.00 pair of shoes for 15 bucks. They will officially close on the 29th of Jan. Everything in the store (what was left) was $15!

Yummy Sushi! Surprise, Surprise... Tommy and I went out for some sushi last week. We tried two new rolls. They were very good and very spicy. We also had the Tuna for an app! Yum! I think we are officially regulars!

I went Scrapbookin' with Jill and Megan last night! We had so much fun! Megan worked on a N.C. Beach Vacation, Jill worked on Birthdays and such for her girls and I worked on KSU Album and family vacations ('91, '95, '96 and ''99). Maybe we had a little bit too much fun because by 10pm we got our second wind and we were so giggly that Jill asked if we thought anyone else thought we were tipsy or drunk. We did have a lot of caffeine but still. lol.

This morning (Sat) I went to Amber's house to visit and help with organizing some baby things. She has has so much donated that she did not really know what all she has gotten so far and where people had put everything! lol. I helped! My friend Cara donated over 250 newborn diapers and 750 wipes. After I emptied the diapers out of the box and put it down Hugo got in the box and played "Peek 'a' Boo" with us. It was so cute!

After Amber's I went to Church to drop off some things, went to Bethany's to pick up some Mk Product, headed to Mom's to grab some lunch (toast and out the door again) then went to Easton at 1:30pm to meet up with Shannon. I was able to get some "banking" questions (and such) answered from her and it relieved a lot of stress. She also brought a truck full (literally) of EVERYTHING ELSE ON AMBER'S LIST, EVERYTHING that she needed. I am going tomorrow with Tommy to take it all to her and help her put it away! If Tommy had gone with me to meet Shannon, one of us would have had to of walked home! :)


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

~January at Random~

I cooked a special treat for Tommy on Tuesday. I saw on Rachel Ray (of course) some Mac 'n' Cheese Stuffed Peppers! They were supposed to be served as an appitizer, a lot of little ones but I went the other route, two big Peppers. They are different kinds because I figured he would want a hotter one.
I could not believe it! Tommy and I were driving down 161 and he yelled, "ALASKA!" Wow! I texted Jill right way, "Alaska! Ha!" She and I are on a race for license plates. We also do a scavenger hunt of random things to look for in Columbus and while traveling. Sometimes our interpretations turn out so funny. She texted me back, "We need to start another Scavenger Hunt" and I wrote "Lets make item number one, 1. An Alaska License Plate". We had a big laugh over it.

Last Wed morning I helped Amber put away baby clothes at her house to get really organized for her newborn and when I opened one of the drawers I yelled, "Soooooo Cute!" She said, "Take it!" I insisted "No" and she insisted "Yes"! Hello Feisel Baby! You WILL be obsessed just like your Mama and Grandpa!

I have been so impressed with how people have come together for Amber and the boys. The calendar (to sign up volunteer) alone is a cool thing. We've gotten a ton of Donations in for the Action Benefit (almost $4,000 worth), tons of baby items (she's officially covered), Money is flowing in to The Amber Marinello Family Fund and The Give Forward Site, Many fun items have been donated to Amber (for her to take time to relax) and More. I am so very impressed. I will keep you posted on when she has the baby! :) I will also keep ya posted on the Benefit date. We are thinking the 18th or 25th of April!

On Thursday night Tommy and I went to Marvin and Jill's for dinner. Can you believe WE forgot to take a picture. I don't mean we as in Me&T, I mean we as in Me&Jill! lol. Oh well. Either way my tummy was full to prove it. They had us over for dinner and Jill made a Lasagna! It was so yummy! (You go Girl)! I ended up having more than I needed to. ;) The girls were so happy to see us and that made us so happy! After dinner we talked and pushed the girls on the swings in the basement. After we put the girls to be we visited a little more. Jill made yummy cookies too. Oatmeal! she and I have both been craving oatmeal! It was so great to see the four of them. It had felt like forever! We miss them, not living next door anymore! :(

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

~Massage, Pizza & Pets~

Tommy and I have had a long couple of weeks, obviously. Ako offered me a message for Monday. It was so amazing. She is so very, very talented. I had not had a full body massage since 2005. Wow was I over due. She also gave me a facial. Loved it! Akosage is located on Reed Rd over by Centennial High. Guess what else is over there? There’s a Pet Store and Flying Pizza. After Tommy picked me up from my massage we went over to get a slice at Flying Pizza, across the street from Centennial. We used to go over there all the time; Jr. Sr. Year! Pizza was just as good as I remembered it to be. Yum! If you have not been before and you’re over in the area, stop in! After pizza and a coke we went down a block to the Pet Store where we sort of got Jackson. If you have not heard THAT STORY yet, just ask me sometime. I don’t have an hour to type! Lol. We found Jackson a Sister (according to me) and a Wife (according to Tommy). She is a white, and little bit of tan, American Bull Dog like Jackson. She was so very docile and so happy to see us, of course. No! We didn’t take her home but we kind of wanted to. Even after they put her back, as we got out other dogs, she jumped at us every time we walked by, while others just went back to sleep. Lol. When we got home Jackson went nuts over our coats and such. He was sniffin like crazy! Here are some pix from our lil afternoon out.

~Go Sometime! :) ~

~Tommy loved this Puppy~

~The little one I've been talking about!~

~My future love! He slept on my chest for a long time~

~This baby would be around 150 lbs. I don't think so!~


~She wants to play again! :) ~

~This turtle has been in the Pet Store for 5 years. He has a balloon taped to him so that as he wandered though the store the owners could still find him at all times~

Friday, January 22, 2010

~Scrappin' Afternoon~

Tommy told me at noon today to stop what I was doing, go in my office and scrapbook til I was dismissed. This is so funny because a couple of weeks ago was supposed to by winter break and scrapbooking week. Life happened and I finally was told to take some time for myself. So far I have scraped Kaleb, Amber & John, two baseball games, Brookes Bday, Thanksgiving with my side, home improvement and a couple more. Here are a couple of picutres of some of the pages I made. Hope you like them. Tommy also told me he is taking me to Shadowbox tonight to see my friend Andy perform. Today, today was a better day.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

~Valentine's Day~

i can not wait for the movie valentines day to come out in theatres. it has so many people in it; jessica alba, kathy bates, jessica biel, bradly cooper, eric dane, patrick dempsey, jamie foxx, jennifer gardner, topher grace, hector e, queen latifah, anne hathaway, aston kutcher, george lopez, emma roberts and shirly maclaine. the movie also has julia roberts (my favorite actress) and it has taylor swift too, you can't go wrong! i think it looks hysterical. i am praying that it is a good at the movie trailer makes it out to be.

Monday, January 18, 2010

~Crazy Wk, Only Thurs~

Monday - Went to Kaleb's viewing tonight. Could not get over how many people were there. It made me so happy in such a sad situation. It was clear to see how much joy that little baby boy brought to this world. I had never been to a viewing for such a young child before. He was only 17 months. I tried to stay strong for Jeremy and McKenna. Held back a lot of my tears. It was almost unreal. I really was processing it when I got into the car but by the time we got home, I swore it didn't happen. "There is no way that a baby was sent to heaven", I would tell myself out loud. I came across these lyrics a couple of days ago. The song is called "Streets of Heaven" by Sherrie Austin. A lyric from Mommy (McKenna) to her son (Kaleb).

Hello God, it's me again. 2:00 a.m., Room 304.
Visiting hours are over, time for our bedside tug of war.
This sleeping child between us may not make it through the night.
I'm fighting back the tears as he fights for his life.
Well, it must be kind of crowded,
On the streets of Heaven.
So tell me: what do you need him for?
Don't you know one day he'll be your little boy forever.
But right now I need him so much more.
He's much too young to be on his own:
Barely just turned seven (teen months).
So who will hold his hand when he crosses the streets of Heaven?

Lord, don't you know he's my angel
You got plenty of your own
And I know you hold a place for him
But he's already got a home
Well I don't know if you're listenin'
But praying is all that's left to do
So I ask you Lord have mercy, you lost a son once too

Lord, I know once you've made up your mind,
There's no use in beggin'.
So if you take him with you today, will you make sure he looks both ways,
And would you hold his hand when she crosses the streets of Heaven.

Tuesday - Today was another long day for us. We went to Kaleb's funeral at Sunset Cemetery. It was so hard to be there but on a happy note; the items read during the service were beautiful! Grandma (Jeremy's mom) read a note to us and a note to Kaleb from her husband (Grandpa). They were so wonderfully written. After Kaleb's we went to visit Don's grave. Don was the husband of one of my mom's best friends. Don passed in April and his kids (my great friends) are in D.C. and FL. It was nice to be able to go for them and say, "Hi".

Wednesday - It was John's service today. Wow! John asked Amber on his day of death if she thought anyone, besides family, would come to his funeral! Boy did we show him. The church was almost packed. Wow! Goosebumps just from typing that. Wow again! After the church service at St. Timothy's we went to his sister Kate's house and had an Open House "Party" in memory of him. It was so amazing to see this greatly sized Dublin home PACKED. All three floors will filled of adults, children and babies. So much food, you could have fed twice as many people there and lots of sweets. There was a beautiful slide show of John playing in every room of the home on repeat. It was done well. Many wedding and lifestyles sessions pictures (that I took), pix of him as a child and everywhere in between. There were posters on walls (more pix) and UPS delivered the shirts just in time. John loved tie die. Loved It! Amy ordered shirts to pass out and wear. I wore mine at the party and also all day Thursday. Also, many checks started coming in for Amber to the Amber Marinello Family Fund! Wow.

Amber, We love you! And we will miss John so much.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

~Sunday, A Day of Rest~

Tommy took me to go see Sherlock Holmes on Sunday after we ate sushi at Edamame. I was really tired at both places. I think things were finally starting to register. I cried twice at dinner and drifted off to sleep in the movie a couple of times. Even though I do love Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law and Amy Adams. It was fun to watch them acting on the screen although the movie was not as good as I thought it would be. The ending was not that great. We stopped at Hallmark and Archivers before the movie and after we ate. I got to get an over sized thank you card (12x18 inches) for a someone so deserving and a mini album for a friend. After the movie we went home and Tommy finished making a sesame seed and poppy seed flat bread pizza with basil, portobella mushrooms and goat cheese. Wow! It was so amazing! We watched some F-R-I-E-N-D-S (part of Season One) and American Idol from last Wednesday. Although my mind was going a mile a minute for the last 6 days... my mind was finally able to move as low as a snail. Weird to say that, but true. It was sad but kind of nice to be zoned out and not think about much for a full 14 hours. Tomorrow will be baby Kaleb's Calling Hours, Tuesday his funeral and John's on Wednesday. My guess is it will be a little while before I blog again. For now, I'm signing off... goodnight!

Monday, January 11, 2010

~A Band & Some Friends~

Craig is our neighbor who lives across the street. He’s a great guy and we love his girl friend Tara. {Can't figure out why Tara is green}. She is such a sweetheart and so sincere. Craig’s cousin, Adam, was going to be playing in a band on Saturday night so they invited us (with some other friends). I was a little too out of it to go. Of course Tommy still went. He road with Tara and Craig and met up with everyone else at Eddy George. He loved the Seared Ahi Tuna and pizza he had. Then they went over to the Newport Club where the band, Of Human, played. Tommy thinks they are kind of Alternitive Rock. They all had a lot of fun together. I think Tommy would love to hear them play again and even Fotograph them.


Bittersweet Help
Web pages rally support as family deals with dad's cancer, death

Saturday, January 16, 2010 2:59 AM
By Kathy Lynn Gray

Midwife Amy Wakeling feels Amber Marinello's baby move during a visit. Wakeling set up the Web page seeking help for the family. That help has included everything from respite for Marinello so she can sleep, to food, diapers, child care and snow shoveling.

SHARI LEWIS | Dispatch

Amber Marinello and John Cabrera are parents of Marco, 4, and Hugo, 1. Another boy is on the way, due next month.

New Age Foto (NewAgeFoto made the front page of the Dispatch)

Groceries arrived via the midwife's husband.

Lunch showed up with a friend from work.

Size 4 diapers were on the way.

Amber Marinello was having the best -- and worst -- days of her life as she shuttled from the living room of her East Side bungalow to the makeshift hospital she'd created in the dining room a few steps away.

In the living room, she recorded, hour by hour, the pills her husband, John Cabrera, took because of the cancer that was killing him. And yesterday, the cancer won.

It was less than three weeks after he learned that the tumors doctors had removed in October had returned, but not before he also learned that a community brought together by the Internet had geared up to help his pregnant wife and two preschoolers.

In early January, doctors sent him home for hospice care.

Since then, a growing network of helpers has taken over, linked by a Facebook page detailing the family's plight.

"It's so bittersweet, but it's so beautiful," said Marinello on Thursday as she talked about the friends, relatives and strangers who had cleaned her house, shoveled her walk, dropped off dinner, watched her children and stayed overnight to care for Cabrera so she could sleep.

The couple's third son is due around Valentine's Day.

Midwife Amy Wakeling set up the Web page to let people know how they could help the couple. First, friends and family volunteered. Then friends of friends. Then friends of friends of friends.

Wakeling's plea for support has been passed along via e-mail and Facebook. As of yesterday, more than 450 people had become "fans" of the Facebook page, and 49 people had donated cash through a payment page.

Volunteers have signed up to help the family at their home every day in January. Wakeling set up an online calendar.

"Everyone was calling and e-mailing me, and I couldn't keep track," she said. "Now I tell them to get onto the calendar and figure out when they're needed."

Another friend, Meredith Feisel, is putting together a benefit that she and Wakeling hope will bring in enough money to keep Marinello and the children afloat.

Cabrera, 51, ran a concession business when he was well, but the income didn't leave the couple much savings. Diabetes and a heart problem made life insurance costly, so he had none.

Marinello, 24, sells Mary Kay cosmetics when she can.

"John and I were happy, very happy," Marinello said. After living together for four years, they got married late last summer. A few weeks later came the cancer diagnosis.

Wakeling said she and others started helping in small ways, and that the movement grew from there.

Donations arrive daily in the mail, some from strangers. All sorts of people have signed up to help. A doctor at the Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital, where Cabrera was treated, has volunteered to clean the couple's house.

Northstar Cafe, Marinello's favorite restaurant, has been sending her free lunch daily.

Even with help from her own family and her husband's relatives, Marinello and her sons, Marco, 4, and Hugo, 1, face an uncertain future. She will get some income from the sale of Cabrera's business, but without a high-school diploma, her job prospects are dim.

Still, Feisel said that as awful as the situation is, people's willingness to help has been inspiring.

"I keep thinking that if anything happened to my husband or me, it makes me feel good to think that someone might help us like this."

To see the Facebook page for Amber Marinello and John Cabrera, go to

~Obituaries for Kaleb & John~

Kaleb Michael Clark Kaleb Michael Clark, our miracle heart transplant baby, was called home to Heaven on January 15, 2010. Kaleb’s constant smile and sweet disposition was a blessing to all of us who loved him, and each day spent with him was God’s gift to us. Born in Columbus, Ohio on September 13, 2008, Kaleb was preceded in death by his brother Kyle Matthew, by whose side he’ll rest at Sunset Cemetery. Kaleb is survived by his dad and mom, Jeremy and McKenna, his big brother Ethan, paternal grandparents Daniel and Kathy Wiant, and maternal grandparents Lloyd and Rhona Willis, and Trish Willis. He was also loved by and will be missed by his aunts, uncles, cousin, and countless friends. Calling hours will be on Monday, January 18, 2010 from 6 pm- 8 pm at SCHOEDINGER HILLTOP CHAPEL 3030 West Broad Street, Columbus. The funeral will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 2 pm at the Sunset Cemetery Chapel. Visit to leave a special memory of Kaleb.
John Carlos Cabrera CABRERA John Carlos Cabrera, 51, of Columbus, died from cancer, January 15, 2010 at home surrounded by loved ones. He was born August 6, 1958 in Columbus, Ohio to the late Mildred V. and Hugo A. Cabrera. Also preceded in death by his brother Hugo. John is survived by his loving wife, Amber (Marinello); sons, Joe, Marco, Hugo and soon to be born baby boy Cabrera; siblings, Fran Cabrera, Jeami Cabrera, Mary (Rich Bishop) Cabrera, Tish (Don Riggenbach) Cabrera, Lita (Bob) Maldeis, Michael Cabrera, Paul (Debbie) Cabrera, Margaret (McGlade) Cabrera, Kate (Jim) Albers; brother-in-law, Nate Perez; father-in-law, Michael Marinello; numerous nieces, nephews; and many wonderful friends. John was the eighth of eleven children. He graduated from Upper Arlington High School in 1977. John proudly served in the Air National Guard of Ohio from 1980 to 1986 earning himself a college education. The Ohio State University was his college of choice where he majored in Communications from 1981 to 1985. John used his communication skills in sales from selling cars to funny hats. He reigned supreme in salesmanship and established his own business, J and J Concessions. Like his father, John loved watching football, especially the Buckeyes and the Bengals. John followed in his father's footsteps with his love and loyalty to his family. In addition to his work, he has left a legacy of love to his beloved wife, sons and his family. A Celebration of Life Mass will be said by Fr. Timothy M. Hayes at 4 p.m., Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at St. Timothy's Catholic Church, 1088 Thomas Lane, Columbus, Ohio 43220. After the Mass, an open house will be held at his sister, Kate's home. In honoring John's life of fun and happy times, the family requests that John's favorite attire of party gear be worn to the open house. In lieu of flowers, please visit to make memorial donations in John's memory or in c/o Amber Marinello family at any KeyBank location. Contributions will also be accepted at the open house. Visit to share a favorite memory of John. Arrangements entrusted to the SCHOEDINGER MIDTOWN CHAPEL.

~A Friday I Will NEVER Forget~

Thursday night was Girls Night. It was the 1st break of relaxation I had, had in a while. On Friday I found out that my friend McKenna, her son, Kaleb, passed away. I was on the phone with Lisa, who was offering comfort to me when I could not get a hold of my mom. After 20 minutes she was able to calm me down enough to breath. Tommy could only hold and comfort me for a few minutes when I found out because he had a deadline (of 2 minutes left) to get the edited photos to Kathy at the Dispatch for the future Article of John and Amber and their story. I got a text from Amber's midwife Amy when I was on the phone with Lisa. After Lisa and I got off the phone I checked the text, "John Passed". Once again I was out of breath. Less than a minute before I read the text Tommy pressed "send" to Kathy for the photos. He helped me breathe and do nothing more than get my shoes on to go over to, what now is only, Amber's home. Mom met us there from work. We were almost to Amber's home when Tommy got a call on his cell. "The Email did not come through!" said Kathy. Tommy dropped me off at Amber's (mom was their shortly after) and he went home to send it again. It did not go through because the second he pressed send he pushed the sleep mode button because he heard me cry out an agonizing cry and knew that John had passed too and we were going to be leaving the house within seconds.

Ako and her husband Tim have a little girl named Aila, who I am sure you know by now. They invited us over for dinner to make sushi. Alia is six months old and already crawling and standing up on her own. She was so fun to play with while we were there. Tommy asked me if I wanted to cancel. I couldn't! I need to be with friends and a little baby! We truly had a wonderful time. I watched Ako made the sushi while we talked in the kitchen. We also played "pass the baby around the table" and got to be apart of Aila's first "No". What a quivering lip we saw seconds after, Oh Boy! It was best thing for me and Tommy after the day we had.

~January Girls Night~

We had January's Girls Night on Thurday the 14th at my house. Everyone came over and brought an appetizer. The four of us ate dinner together and talked for a couple of hours. He had mini pizza's, bread and hummus and yummy garlic and herb dip. Alisha came over later after Kyla left. It was nice to relax for a while.

I had had the hardest week of my life. It was so nice to just sit and chat and not think about things too much for a little while. Although by the end of girls night we were brainstorming on what other places to call, to donate for Amber and John. I was so thankful that the ladies let me talk.

~The Ladies~

~The Twins~

~Jackson Say's, "Hi!"~

Jackson wants everyone to know that he say's, "Hi!". He has been on fairly good behavior for the last couple of weeks! I clam it's because it winter and he's tired and lazy this time of year. Although last Tuesday he decided, instead of going potty, to run around outside and play in the snow. It was funny to me because I said to Tommy that he's going crazy running in the snow and he said, "No, he's just finding a spot to go and hoping around a little bit in the process!" Three minutes later Tommy laughed and agreed! We both laughed together because we couldn't get our "kid" inside for the life of us. He was so happy to be playing in the snow. Of course, if you try to walk him, he's exhausted after one round in the neighborhood, out of breath and ready to come home! He has been barking a lot (out Tommy's office window) at the new dog who moved in across the street. They have not gotten to play yet and he is mad! Oh but it was really cute to see Jackson sleeping under the Christmas tree this past holiday. Well that's all he wants me to share for now.

Lots of wet kisses, Jackson

~Winter is here, I Guess~

Have I ever told you that I hate Winter, the weather that comes with it at least! I shouldn't use the word hate... but I'm going to! lol. I'm smiling in the picture, but I don't mean it! ;)

~Our Street~
~Driveway Help for Amber~

~Driveway Help for mom and dad~

Hope you are staying worm this winter! ;)

~The Three Musketeers~

Daddy went out of town for a couple of nights last week so Mommy, Tommy and I made some "Three Musketeers kinda Trouble"! One night Tommy made a Salmon recipe that Daddy made for Mommy on their Anniversary. It was so amazing. Now I know why mom called me on their anniversary to brag about the meal daddy made her. We sat at the dinner table and talked for hours. We called Daddy to let him know that we missed him and to see what he had been up to. I thought that would be a fun pic to take!

The next night the three of us went to see Avatar. Tommy and I had seen it and wanted to go back and see it again. Mom loved it. Of course knowing us we had to go to Brio first. We love that place. We really enjoyed our meals. Mom and I got the Lobster Bisque for and app while Tommy had the Scalps. For Dinner Mom and I split a Pasta with mushrooms, pine nuts, sun dried tomatoes, spinach and cheese while Tommy enjoyed his "Red Meat" with an Artichoke Crust! We had a coupon for free trio desert. It was great to each get what we wanted. Mom got the Tiramisu, Tommy got the Creme Bulee and I got the Chocolate, of course.