Monday, January 11, 2010

~A Band & Some Friends~

Craig is our neighbor who lives across the street. He’s a great guy and we love his girl friend Tara. {Can't figure out why Tara is green}. She is such a sweetheart and so sincere. Craig’s cousin, Adam, was going to be playing in a band on Saturday night so they invited us (with some other friends). I was a little too out of it to go. Of course Tommy still went. He road with Tara and Craig and met up with everyone else at Eddy George. He loved the Seared Ahi Tuna and pizza he had. Then they went over to the Newport Club where the band, Of Human, played. Tommy thinks they are kind of Alternitive Rock. They all had a lot of fun together. I think Tommy would love to hear them play again and even Fotograph them.

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