Saturday, January 9, 2010

~Scrapbook Vacation~

This past week I took my Winter Vacation. As Tommy says, “Baby, Sometimes Life Happens” and it certainly did last week. Monday was personally just a hard day, My Dad’s cousin passed away so we had the funeral on Tuesday and a “In Memory of Jack Dinner” on Wednesday, laundry piled up to the point where I had to do all nine loads on Thursday and through out the week I have been helping out my friend Amber. Her husband is ill so we have been try to do what we can this week to visit her and help out with meals and at their home. Also, my friend Allie found out she has to have kidney surgery soon and she’s 17 weeks along in her pregnancy, while her husband is in Iraq and can’t come home to be with her. Plus they recently moved to GA so I can’t be there with her either. It’s been a crazy week considering also, that it’s the 1st of the year. What a wild way to start 2010.

On a happy note, I got some scrapping done. I had been working on redoing the albums that I had growing up. Some of the images were getting damaged because they were in three ring binders with “peel back sheets” that were not acid free. I was pleased to "some time" this week to get some stuff done. I have finished twenty six individual scrap booking projects so far. I still have a lot more to go. Here are so pix of my scrapping so far! I got some organizing done, some mini albums finished and some frames hung.

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