Monday, January 18, 2010

~Crazy Wk, Only Thurs~

Monday - Went to Kaleb's viewing tonight. Could not get over how many people were there. It made me so happy in such a sad situation. It was clear to see how much joy that little baby boy brought to this world. I had never been to a viewing for such a young child before. He was only 17 months. I tried to stay strong for Jeremy and McKenna. Held back a lot of my tears. It was almost unreal. I really was processing it when I got into the car but by the time we got home, I swore it didn't happen. "There is no way that a baby was sent to heaven", I would tell myself out loud. I came across these lyrics a couple of days ago. The song is called "Streets of Heaven" by Sherrie Austin. A lyric from Mommy (McKenna) to her son (Kaleb).

Hello God, it's me again. 2:00 a.m., Room 304.
Visiting hours are over, time for our bedside tug of war.
This sleeping child between us may not make it through the night.
I'm fighting back the tears as he fights for his life.
Well, it must be kind of crowded,
On the streets of Heaven.
So tell me: what do you need him for?
Don't you know one day he'll be your little boy forever.
But right now I need him so much more.
He's much too young to be on his own:
Barely just turned seven (teen months).
So who will hold his hand when he crosses the streets of Heaven?

Lord, don't you know he's my angel
You got plenty of your own
And I know you hold a place for him
But he's already got a home
Well I don't know if you're listenin'
But praying is all that's left to do
So I ask you Lord have mercy, you lost a son once too

Lord, I know once you've made up your mind,
There's no use in beggin'.
So if you take him with you today, will you make sure he looks both ways,
And would you hold his hand when she crosses the streets of Heaven.

Tuesday - Today was another long day for us. We went to Kaleb's funeral at Sunset Cemetery. It was so hard to be there but on a happy note; the items read during the service were beautiful! Grandma (Jeremy's mom) read a note to us and a note to Kaleb from her husband (Grandpa). They were so wonderfully written. After Kaleb's we went to visit Don's grave. Don was the husband of one of my mom's best friends. Don passed in April and his kids (my great friends) are in D.C. and FL. It was nice to be able to go for them and say, "Hi".

Wednesday - It was John's service today. Wow! John asked Amber on his day of death if she thought anyone, besides family, would come to his funeral! Boy did we show him. The church was almost packed. Wow! Goosebumps just from typing that. Wow again! After the church service at St. Timothy's we went to his sister Kate's house and had an Open House "Party" in memory of him. It was so amazing to see this greatly sized Dublin home PACKED. All three floors will filled of adults, children and babies. So much food, you could have fed twice as many people there and lots of sweets. There was a beautiful slide show of John playing in every room of the home on repeat. It was done well. Many wedding and lifestyles sessions pictures (that I took), pix of him as a child and everywhere in between. There were posters on walls (more pix) and UPS delivered the shirts just in time. John loved tie die. Loved It! Amy ordered shirts to pass out and wear. I wore mine at the party and also all day Thursday. Also, many checks started coming in for Amber to the Amber Marinello Family Fund! Wow.

Amber, We love you! And we will miss John so much.

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