Monday, January 11, 2010

~The Three Musketeers~

Daddy went out of town for a couple of nights last week so Mommy, Tommy and I made some "Three Musketeers kinda Trouble"! One night Tommy made a Salmon recipe that Daddy made for Mommy on their Anniversary. It was so amazing. Now I know why mom called me on their anniversary to brag about the meal daddy made her. We sat at the dinner table and talked for hours. We called Daddy to let him know that we missed him and to see what he had been up to. I thought that would be a fun pic to take!

The next night the three of us went to see Avatar. Tommy and I had seen it and wanted to go back and see it again. Mom loved it. Of course knowing us we had to go to Brio first. We love that place. We really enjoyed our meals. Mom and I got the Lobster Bisque for and app while Tommy had the Scalps. For Dinner Mom and I split a Pasta with mushrooms, pine nuts, sun dried tomatoes, spinach and cheese while Tommy enjoyed his "Red Meat" with an Artichoke Crust! We had a coupon for free trio desert. It was great to each get what we wanted. Mom got the Tiramisu, Tommy got the Creme Bulee and I got the Chocolate, of course.

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