Friday, July 31, 2009

~Bad Dog~

Jackson was anything other than a good dog today. Although, I can't lie everything bad he did... we ended up laughing afterward. First of all... Jackson took a box off of the couch (by the front door) and ran with it, of course only to be found later looking like this... yes, including all of the peanuts in the box.

Shame on you Jackson. When I came home from Meijer, I was handing Tommy some bags of groceries to take up stairs, mind you the front door was open. Jackson was sitting right by Tommy being good til he saw the divine opportunity to RUN! He went darting down Sowerby Lane toward the end of the street, made a U-turn and went running past our door, past the mail boxes and he was off to the pool. As soon as Tommy put down the groceries and grabbed the leash Jackson thought, "Crap!" During this time, our neighbor was backing out of his driveway. I stopped him in front of our home (with my 1/2 of the groceries in hand) and said, "I don't know if you saw him darting down the street but-". He interrupted me and asked, "The Man?". "No sir, our Dog." Just as I said, "Dog!" Jackson made a dash four our yard, crossing in front of our neighbor's truck. Thank God I was there to talk to him. Tommy walked as fast as he could to sneak up behind Jackson. I swear the Circus was in town because Jackson trotted Tommy around the rim our our grass three times before he got him. Of course after all that running, Jackson went #2. At least he went in our yard. Tommy brought him in and puppy plopped down on the cool kitchen floor. As I am unloading groceries I had to yell, "Jaaaaaaaaaaaaackson" once again... he let out the worst smelling fart of all, "Bad Dog!". Thank god for Fresh Sent Fabreze!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

~New Dress~

I fell in love with this dress a while back. It’s from Victoria Secret and it’s part of their PINK University Line. I wanted this dress so bad but could not justify spending the amount of money (they wanted for it) on it. Well, I get the mail last week and saw that the Victoria Secret catalog has a $10 gift card in it for my Birthday… so of course I go online to get the dress. Guess what? It’s on sale for $12.99! I finally got it in today. It looks so fabulous on! I want the whole line! I already have their U of M tee and now the dress. Can’t wait to build the collection! Yes, you heard it! Go Blue! Sorry Daddy! ;)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

~Kick Ask~

I saw this over a year ago. Someone told me how popular it was and I just had to get on and check it out. This little girl just cracks me up. When you listen, it sounds like she's saying his, "Ask!".

This little girl was later asked to come on Ellen. I could only find the video of the review of the whole show.. but it's ok, it's the first clip shown.

Just for kicks, I had to add this too... you all knew it was comin'!!! This might just be one of my favorite video clips ever! It's only on

Sunday, July 26, 2009

~Recent Events~

Sharon and I went out on Friday night to Easton to get a hot chocolate and hang out for a few. We ran into T.J. Max where she fell in love all over again! Here’s the purse to prove it. How hot is that? Don't worry she only got one of the two.

I took this picture because I went to Douglas Elementary School and my dad taught at Ridgeview for 7 years before he started at Centennial when it opened in 1976. I thought it was cute.

Jackson looks so annoyed in this picture! I love it! He was chasing his rope and as soon as he stopped he had the cutest look on his face. Of course as soon as I get the camera, he moved and gave me this look! What is this?

I had to take this picture for my daddy. How funny is it that Oreo’s not only made baseball themed cookies but that they had 5 styles inside. Go Ritz too… I love it!

I treated Tommy this weekend to an A&W Root beer float. We went in after we left Meijer and sat down for a few minutes and talked. We went in there for the first time last week. Back already? Yep!

Tommy shot a wedding on Saturday that gave these wine bottle corks for their favor. He brought it home for me.

This Sunday morning Tommy and I went shopping for Operation Christmas Child Boxes. My friend Valerie supplied me with shoe boxes. We went to Office Max, Staples & Target for their 1, 20, 25 and & 50 cent sales on school supplies and then found some beach toy that were 75% off = 35 cents a piece. This year worked out well. One stop shopping x 3! If you would like to donate NEW toys, school supplies and/or hygiene items to these boxes just let me know. Click here for info to make your own box! Boxes are sent out November of each year. This is my 11th year making boxes.

Poor baby didn’t want me to take his picture apparently. I bought a Harry Potter Puzzle at Half Blood Prince… I mean Half Price Books! It ended up costing (brand new) under $4! We started it tonight. It’s 500 pieces and it’s a hologram puzzle. I have never seen one like it before. Tommy was kicking butt at it. He did the faces of all the kids, in less the 30 minutes. Go T! It will not take as long to do this one… hint, hint Snoopy!

~Papa's Pizza~

From Tommy:

I always like to try new recipes and work on them until perfected, and lately it's been slabs of ribs on the grill and pizza dough. The latter of the two I attempted several times over the past couple weeks. My objective was to recreate a dough that would yield pizzeria like crust, taste and texture. Tonight, I came as close as I ever have to that goal!

It wasn't perfect, the crust was still too thin, but I think I know how to fix that the next time around. The interesting part of this dough was that it needed to rest in the fridge for 5 days before baking it! BUT, the taste and texture was well worth the wait!

Tonight's pie was topped with pizza sauce, mozzarella, peperoni, tomato, mushrooms, bacon and feta cheese. YUM!! Here are some pix of the process:

~Snoopy Puzzle~

When I was tired and couldn't sleep, over a lunch break and/or just needed at 10 mins... I was working on this... oh my goodness! Jill let me borrow this puzzle. I thought I was a master till I met Snoopy. It got easier as I went on but still. Ahhh, it's done! Here's from Alpha to Omega!!!

~Brettfest Pictures~

These pictures are from a shoot I did at a Concert called Brettfest. There is a whole Gallery... if you want to see more, let me know. Enjoy!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

~Meet Otis~

How cute is he? This is Otis. My dad's sister's name is Sue and she and her family just got him. I love this picture of Otis & Alex. You can tell that he is going to grow up to be a big doggie. Tommy and I can't wait to meet him. I am not sure what kind of dog he is... but that face, oh my goodness! Uncle Bill & Aunt Sue along with Pete, Sarah & Alex are going to give this little puppy so much love, he won't know what to do!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

~Work Hard, Play Harder~

My dad plays baseball on Monday and Wednesday nights for a ‘Over 60 League’! Last year we were able to attend more games. This year dad said, “My last game, in the official season, is tonight!” The season went fast. Tommy and I went to the second game of the double header and cheered as loud as we could and it worked… they won! Later in the game my mom met up with us. She works downtown and just met us up after her long day at work. We three set up folding chairs ate snacks and made sure that everyone on the team knew who we were with! Daddy did really well, he did us proud!

Today was quite a day. I ended up taking the day off. It all started with Tommy reading online that Starbucks was providing everyone with a FREE coffee and Tim Hortin’s was providing everyone with a FREE blueberry muffin. When Tommy went out to get our breakfast, Starbucks let him order a Hot Chocolate for me and Tim’s was out of blueberry muffin’s and gave him three donuts for FREE to make up for it!

After breakfast and many phone calls coming in, my dad stopped by to pick me up. He had asked me on a Father/Daughter date to walk the Parade of Homes. What an amazing way to spend a day. We did not get home until 5:45! There were 11 houses on display and 4 that I fell in love with either; the floor plan, décor, color sceme or back yard. If someone could take those 4 houses and put them together… SOLD! Although that would cost close to a million dollars… but still. I got lots of pictures of items and layouts that inspired me. I am sure that we will use some of the ideas in out future home.

This is for Brooke & Audrey:
Girls, guess who was at the Parade of Homes? Dora! I met her and told her all about the two of you. She told me to tell you that she said, "Hi and she is so glad that you watch her on t.v.!" She can not wait to meet you both someday. Xoxo, Meredith

I just had to take a picture of this sign. Every one of the 11 houses had the same sign, "No Food&Drink" this particular house...

Many radio stations had booths set up at the show. Sunny 95 was one of the stations there. Dino was the man that “hosted” the Breakfast at Tiffany’s event at Brookside Country Club last week. So, of course I went over and said, “Hi” to him. Also, 107.9 offered each of us to “Spin the Wheel!” I WON tickets to see the premier of The Ugly Truth we Gerald Butler and Katherine Heigl. So after I got dropped off by daddy, Tommy and I ate a quick dinner and ran off to Easton. When we got there we had to go through an insane amount of security. Wow! We got there just in time for the movie start so we didn’t have to wait in the long line with everyone that was there 2 hours early. I laughed almost and hour and a half straight. I loved it… so Ugly, but so True!

After the movie we went out to Brio for their $2.95 menu and Hook was playing outside in the fountain area. Alisha and Brian originally invited us to join them for the movie but we were planning on working late on Tuesday because we had date night Monday night. Of course with free tickets we went out, then we met up with them and hung out for a little. We did not finish Hook because we felt we should get a little bit more work done a home, but it was a great break of a Tuesday evening.

Sharon and I made plans last week to play tennis on Wednesday evening after work. She called when we got out of the premiere of The Ugly Truth and said she just got out of the premiere of Julie and Julia. I can not wait to see that movie. Sharon said it was great. Any movie about cooking is alright with me! Anyway, she won tickets at the last premiere for the premiere of 500 Days of Summer. So needless to say that’s were we ended up! I loved the movie. I laughed a lot but I also felt bad for Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Tom. I like Geoffrey Arend from Super Troopers, it took me a while to make his character McKenzie to be believable. Once I did, “Oh my Gosh!” I can’t wait to see it again.

Monday, July 20, 2009

~Brettfest Blog~

My mom works with a woman named Peggy and her husband is in a band named Codename: Eric. This past Sunday they performed with a few other bands at an annual event called Brettfest: Loripalooza hosted by “Brett & Lori”! I have wanted to see them perform in Gahanna but Wednesday’s never worked for our schedules. Tommy was so sad that he could not make it but can not wait to see them perform.

I brought my camera to practice and get some fun shots. I got shots of kids, families, food and of course the bands. Everyone I met there was so kind, fun to talk to and lots of people were helpful with “band info” about each of the guys as they each took the stage. You can check out a lot of the bands on I am still working with Tommy to edit the event. The pictures will be uploaded soon.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

~Proud Saturday~

Today was such a Proud Saturday for me! lol. Four "Proud" things happened.

Number one ~ I have my 1st strawberry growing on my strawberry plant!
Number Two ~ Brooke and Audrey helped their mommy clean their picture frames! What Great little helpers!

Number Three ~ Brooke made a picture of us. L 2 R: Meredith, Jill, Tommy, Marvin and Brooke... yes, Audrey did make the cut... although she is kinda small. Can you find her? It really touched me that she colored us!

Number Four ~ Audrey has been walking on her own without her walker! I am so happy for her that I could cry. "Take That Doctor!"

Also today we had dinner with the Marvin, Jill, Brooke and Audrey. Tommy and I made Ribs and French Fries. Audrey LOVED the french fries we made. The pictures below are of more fun we had this past Saturday.